Polar Bear Swims

Sharkie 2012

Shark Attack!! Yay!!​
This was our first costume for the Polar Bear Swim, and we were SUCH a scary shark that we almost caused a major panic on the beach. Well, we at least one verified report of making a kid cry. BUT STILL!  A Great White Shark of Awesomeness in Vancouver!

4-legged shark

Someone got a little too excited and accidentally knocked out some of our teeth. We were doing repairs at the time.
Photo from hellovancouver.com

English Bay

Overall view of the beach. You can see us on the left side there.

Fun Media
Shark Inception

We have become a little too enamoured with Sharkie over the years. We've reanimated him in various, shameless ways.

My brother's doodle. I think he really captured our facial expressions. heh heh
Snow Sharkie from the great snow storm of 2024 in Vancouver
My friend Erin made me a deeelightful Christmas card.
Tshirts that my family is really excited to receive, I'm sure.
Rice Krispy Sharkie! No explanation needed.
Plushie Sharkie, originally intended for my baby niece, but gave to my sister instead.
Clay Sharkie. It took awhile to get those legs right to stand on their own.
A fun little parody we did on "Back to the Future Day" - October 21, 2015
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