Polar Bear Swims

Moosie 2016

The moose is loose!
Who says moose don't like to party like the rest of us. We built "Moosie von Moose" using Pengy's body to save us a bit of time, so that was nice. Although I don't think body-less Penguin head was too thrilled. He just sort of stared at us while we worked. Bodies are temporary Pengy, everyone knows that.

Love this photo with Lisa Pantages

Lisa was so sweet and swam up to us to say hello. We were so honoured to meet the Polar Bear Swim president and granddaughter of Peter Pantages who started the club in 1920. Even awesomer Lisa is wearing his wool swim suit. So cool.

So calm amongst the riffraff!

Heh heh, I love how it looks like we're oh so chill hanging out in the freezing water. 

Photo credit: The Canadian Press, Darryl Dyck

Fun Media

Moosie was a part of French's Caesar promo! We are SO proud of him!

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