Resident Alien Giant Minifigure

Meet our unnecessarily large Lego creation

We built an 8-foot-tall Lego minifigure, that takes both of us to animate. We paint and accessorize it into different characters to stroll around Vancouver during random events - just for funsies.

This time, we’re giving it a quirky new makeover to honour Resident Alien and the brilliant Alan Tudyk. We'd love to catch up with him when he's in Vancouver for FanExpo this month. It would make all our intergalactic dreams come true.


(Yup, we're both inside there trying to walk normally)

A little bit about us...

The Styrogirls are Foamsmith artists and wannabe Fabricators: Tarrin and Sorrel McDonough - two sisters living in beautiful Vancouver, B.C. 

If you’ve attended the English Bay Polar Bear Swim in the last several years, you might have spotted us; we like to build large, two-person costumes and skulk around in waist-high water, high-fiving the real swimmers. We started with water creatures but have since leveled up to award winning esports huge builds, capable of taking out anyone brave enough to walk on the sidewalk with us.

Our mission is to bring a splash of colour to Vancouver with temporary art installations featuring pop culture icons, local legends, or anything that might spark a smile.



We’d love to share this Resident Alien tribute with Alan in person while he’s in Vancouver—whether for a quick hello, a photo, or just to let him know how much his character resonates with people!

It'd be a moment these "meat sacks" would never forget.

Please connect with us to let us know your thoughts! Thank you ❤️ Tarrin + Sorrel

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Some cool videos of our Lego caught in the wild