Lego Resident Alien

Our homage to the awesome Alan Tudyk and his delightful sci-fi show: Resident Alien

We shuffled down to FanExpo Vancouver during an atmospheric river event (aka major rainfall). Despite being in this oversized umbrella-like device, we got completely soaked. 

We had so many fun interactions with people along the way. We randomly met a season 1 costume designer for the show. (If only we had met her BEFORE the paint job, we could have fixed Tar's disasterous zipper work.)

The rain was so intense, that 1 block before home, our pants pretty much fell off. So I don't think we'd make it in the costume department.

Jealousy much?

Tar refused to include any photos of the back because our legs looked so dorky. But then I realized the real reason—despite all the effort I put into making a special hoodie for Harry, she didn’t want to show how cute it was in case it outshined her paint job. Ridiculous. Here it is in all its soaked glory...

We meet some sliiightly more accurate Resident Alien Cosplayers

Managed meet Alien Harry Vanderspiegle (@creativeguy527), Asta (@lauramariefu) and D'arcy (@number20121) at FanExpo Vancouver. Doing a "Patience, CO vacation" - this trio came up from the US to visit Ladysmith + Vancouver.  Laura even curated an awesome portfolio of 'Goliath' artwork from the show. (Pretty cool to find out Goliath is real artist Joe Vaux).

We did not manage to meet Alan Tudyk or any of the other cast members at FanExpo. BUT if we happen to see him walking In Vancouver, we'll rush home, throw on the suit and chase him until he gives us a high five. We have high hopes.

Our Minifig  repainted into different characters